

Tito is a San Antonio native, he grew up and still lives on the south side of San Antonio. Le encanta la música Latina, ha tomado el ambiente...Full Bio


#TitoEnVivo's #FreshyFriday this week features MALUMA's "HP"

According to Maluma "HP" started a few months ago in a hotel room in Bolivia. He told Rolling Stone, "I have friends in Colombia where I'm from, and these girls were saying they were tired of douchebags, tired of these guys that don't respect them and give them the place that they deserve." Maluma added "that stayed in my mind," and so the idea for this song was born. The song is already inside your iHeartRadio app!

Here's this week's edition of #FreshyFriday with #TitoEnVivo... We had a little fun with this one... Check it out!

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